Just choose the account you want the money moved from, account to be moved to, amount to transfer, and the effective date. Transfer- you can move money between your CBBC accounts. These services are still available, along with all the other options, in the flip out menu which you can access by touching the three bars in the upper left of the screen. Transfers, Mobile Deposit, and Bill Pay can be utilized by pressing on the three dots next to your account balance.

With our update, you are also able to quickly access account services that were previously only in the flip out menu. From here you can check your account balances and see what transactions have posted to your account. When you first log in, you will see the My Accounts page. If you are needing branch location information, this is also available by simply touching the pin-dot icon below the Login button. Once you have downloaded the CBBC Bank Mobile App from the Google Play Store, you will open the app and sign in with your BankOnLine credentials.