The budget of this movie wasn't anywhere near as large as you would imagine from the impressive results on screen. On top of that Gilliam manages to stamp his own style and approach on to the material without sliding into complete self-indulgence as he sometimes does. Thankfully the script itself (by David and Janet Peoples) is first rate. He basically was initially involved as a director for hire. Unlike 'Brazil' Gilliam didn't come up with the script. Sometimes I think it is even better than 'Brazil'. I have always enjoyed it, but I've only come to realize just how good a movie it really is. 'Brazil' is his movie that I would rate the highest, but I've come to think that I have unfairly underrated 'Twelve Monkeys'. Half his output leaves me cold, the other half dazzle me beyond belief. I grew up on Python and have followed Terry Gilliam's subsequent directorial career for more years than I care to remember. Sorry for the inconvenience, we look forward to resolving this for you soon."

Please hold on to your copy and we will follow up with further information as soon as possible. We are continuing to review our workflow processes to prevent these issues from happening in the future. The fault was traced to the initial 4K data when one of the scanned reels contained some overlap in content and this wasn't flagged in the initial conform.

This error was not spotted by the producers, the facility that carried out the work or the filmmaker who approved the restoration. "Sadly, we have identified a fault on our 12 Monkeys UHD disc (FCD2191/AV380), where at approximately 41 minutes some footage is briefly repeated with no interruption to the soundtrack. Arrow admitted the misprint, vowing to correct it (a similar problem was discovered in Arrow's 4K release of Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer). This error was spotted by fans, who contacted Arrow Video to point it out. Bruce Willis's character is interrogated and the tracking shots and close-ups of the researchers questioning him are duplicated. The Arrow release of this film contained a mistake in a scene about 40 minutes in. There are two releases of the film, by different companies, one from Arrow Video (released both in the US and UK) and the US Blu-ray by Universal.